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Destiny Lovers Chapter 119 Raw =LINK=

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Destiny Lovers Chapter 119 Raw

I recently finished the manga and the ending pisses me off so much that it just end like that. Anyway I think in chapter 74 of the sequel it finally reveals what happened to sayaka after she was abducted. To anyone who knows how to read japanese can you please give me a run down of the events of this chapter. I tried google translate and I coudn't understand. The link to the raws are in the comments.

6. Christian love leads to denunciation, proposals and a commitment to cultural and social projects; it prompts positive activity that inspires all who sincerely have the good of man at heart to make their contribution. Humanity is coming to understand ever more clearly that it is linked by one sole destiny that requires joint acceptance of responsibility, a responsibility inspired by an integral and shared humanism. It sees that this mutual destiny is often conditioned and even imposed by technological and economic factors, and it senses the need for a greater moral awareness that will guide its common journey. Marvelling at the many innovations of technology, the men and women of our day strongly desire that progress be directed towards the true good of the humanity, both of today and tomorrow.

8. This document intends to present in a complete and systematic manner, even if by means of an overview, the Church's social teaching, which is the fruit of careful Magisterial reflection and an expression of the Church's constant commitment in fidelity to the grace of salvation wrought in Christ and in loving concern for humanity's destiny. Herein the most relevant theological, philosophical, moral, cultural and pastoral considerations of this teaching are systematically presented as they relate to social questions. In this way, witness is borne to the fruitfulness of the encounter between the Gospel and the problems that mankind encounters on its journey through history. In studying this Compendium, it is good to keep in mind that the citations of Magisterial texts are taken from documents of differing authority. Alongside council documents and encyclicals there are also papal addresses and documents drafted by offices of the Holy See. As one knows, but it seems to bear repeating, the reader should be aware that different levels of teaching authority are involved. The document limits itself to putting forth the fundamental elements of the Church's social doctrine, leaving to Episcopal Conferences the task of making the appropriate applications as required by the different local situations[7].

The first of the great challenges facing humanity today is that of the truth itself of the being who is man. The boundary and relation between nature, technology and morality are issues that decisively summon personal and collective responsibility with regard to the attitudes to adopt concerning what human beings are, what they are able to accomplish and what they should be. A second challenge is found in the understanding and management of pluralism and differences at every level: in ways of thinking, moral choices, culture, religious affiliation, philosophy of human and social development. The third challenge is globalization, the significance of which is much wider and more profound than simple economic globalization, since history has witnessed the opening of a new era that concerns humanity's destiny.

35. Christian revelation shines a new light on the identity, the vocation and the ultimate destiny of the human person and the human race. Every person is created by God, loved and saved in Jesus Christ, and fulfils himself by creating a network of multiple relationships of love, justice and solidarity with other persons while he goes about his various activities in the world. Human activity, when it aims at promoting the integral dignity and vocation of the person, the quality of living conditions and the meeting in solidarity of peoples and nations, is in accordance with the plan of God, who does not fail to show his love and providence to his children.

74. The Church's social doctrine finds its essential foundation in biblical revelation and in the tradition of the Church. From this source, which comes from above, it draws inspiration and light to understand, judge and guide human experience and history. Before anything else and above everything else is God's plan for the created world and, in particular, for the life and destiny of men and women, called to Trinitarian communion.

Mother and Teacher, the Church does not close herself off nor retreat within herself but is always open, reaching out to and turned towards man, whose destiny of salvation is her reason for being. She is in the midst of men and women as the living icon of the Good Shepherd, who goes in search of and finds man where he is, in the existential and historical circumstances of his life. It is there that the Church becomes for man a point of contact with the Gospel, with the message of liberation and reconciliation, of justice and peace.

97. Another very important document of the Second Vatican Council in the corpus of the Church's social doctrine is the Declaration Dignitatis Humanae[179], in which the right to religious freedom is clearly proclaimed. The document presents the theme in two chapters. The first, of a general character, affirms that religious freedom is based on the dignity of the human person and that it must be sanctioned as a civil right in the legal order of society. The second chapter deals with the theme in the light of Revelation and clarifies its pastoral implications, pointing out that it is a right that concerns not only people as individuals but also the different communities of people.

124. Prizing highly the marvellous biblical message, the Church's social doctrine stops to dwell above all on the principal and indispensable dimensions of the human person. Thus it is able to grasp the most significant facets of the mystery and dignity of human beings. In the past there has been no lack of various reductionist conceptions of the human person, many of which are still dramatically present on the stage of modern history. These are ideological in character or are simply the result of widespread forms of custom or thought concerning mankind, human life and human destiny. The common denominator among these is the attempt to make the image of man unclear by emphasizing only one of his characteristics at the expense of all the others[233].

410. Those with political responsibilities must not forget or underestimate the moral dimension of political representation, which consists in the commitment to share fully in the destiny of the people and to seek solutions to social problems. In this perspective, responsible authority also means authority exercised with those virtues that make it possible to put power into practice as service [842] (patience, modesty, moderation, charity, efforts to share), an authority exercised by persons who are able to accept the common good, and not prestige or the gaining of personal advantages, as the true goal of their work.

Monogamous marriages were also normal, although nobles and high officials were wealthy enough to afford and support concubines as additional lovers.[192][193] Under certain conditions dictated by custom, not law, both men and women were able to divorce their spouses and remarry.[194][195] However, a woman who had been widowed continued to belong to her husband's family after his death. In order to remarry, the widow would have to be returned to her family in exchange for a ransom fee. Her children would not be allowed to go with her.[189]

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Ibn Hazm's (d. 456/1064) Tawq al-Hamamah is a sui generiswork in the history of mediaeval Arabic culture. Modern scholarship on IbnHazm's Tawq proceeds along three lines: (1) editing and translating theTawq; (2) explicating the Tawq and enquiring into its originality; and (3)looking into the Tawq from a comparative perspective. I intend, however, topursue further the question of the Tawq al-Hamamah's uniqueness, and Iwould also suggest a new reading of the text based on the exposition of itsepistemology. My main proposition is that the Tawq al-Hamamah'sidiosyncracies rest on Ibn Hazm's endeavour to advance an epistemicjustification of the concept of love. Ibn Hazm stresses that writing on loveis beyond any fictional narrative. He underlines the idea that entering intothe phenomena of love should adhere to al-haqiqah (the truth) and shouldavoid any kind of flawed explorations. To arrive at an understanding of thework through the angle of al-haqiqah, Ibn Hazm further contends that writingon love should be based on three key principles: (i) testimony; (ii)observation; (iii) and knowledge stored in memory. These principles arebehind the Tawq al-Hamamah's epistemology that renders any writing onlove not merely a fictional narrative but a textual attempt to depict theactual human experience. By deploying the principles of epistemology toinvestigate love, Ibn Hazm's Tawq al-Hamamah not only modifies theexisting genre of writing on love and lovers but also considers some aspectsof this emotion that had hitherto evaded literary and scholarly treatment.This paper will explore Ibn Hazm's perspective on the ways of writing onlove and manifest his epistemological approach in exploring the essence ofthis emotion as well as its causes and symptoms. 041b061a72


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